Students, I am asking you to bring an e-device or your cell phone to my classes tomorrow (Monday, March 16). I will review how to access your student email, google classroom, remind apps, etc. These could be useful while we are out of school. Paper packets will also be sent home.
almost 5 years ago, Michelle Metzger
Revised Lunch Survey--Hopefully, the previous technology issues have been resolved. If you have already completed the survey, you do not need to do it again. However, if you have not completed it, please click on the link below. This information will help us, as we strive to meet the needs of our students.Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Julie Healy, Supt.
Just a reminder....we will be in session all day on Monday, March 16th. We have had some issues with the lunch survey, but it should be available later today. Please check back. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Julie Healy, Supt.
The governor issued a directive closing public and private schools effective March 17th through March 30th. We WILL be in session on Monday, March 16th. Stay tuned for more details to follow.
almost 5 years ago, Julie Healy, Supt.
Please refer to the Documents section (Parents and Community folder) for information regarding COVID-19.
almost 5 years ago, Julie Healy, Supt.
IESA Class 8-2A Regional Championship Game for tonight has been suspended. See additional information under the "News" section of our website.
almost 5 years ago, St. Elmo Jr./Sr. High Principal
Kindergarten pre-registration will be different this year. We are asking that you call, stop by, or email with your child’s information. Student name, parent name, address where child resides, child’s birthday, and an email address for the parent. Eventually by the August registration you will need birth certificate and shot records, prove residency, etc. Thank you for registering your upcoming kindergarten student and if you have any questions contact the elementary at 618-829-3263.
almost 5 years ago, Sean Hannagan
Reminder - Parent Teacher Conferences tonight (2-25-20) and Thursday (2-27-20) from 4-7:30 p.m.
almost 5 years ago, St. Elmo Jr./Sr. High Principal
Beecher City High School will be hosting a Senior Night Cook Out before the basketball game on Friday, February 21 from 4-7 p.m. Pork Burgers = $2.50, Hot Dogs = $1.50, Chips = $.50, Water = $1.00
almost 5 years ago, St. Elmo Jr./Sr. High Principal
Eighth grade parents and student: Freshman orientation will take place Tuesday February 25th at 6:00pm in the professional development center near the front office of the Jr/Sr high school. Please plan to attend. We will be discussing schedules, graduation requirements, and community service requirements.
almost 5 years ago, Erick Somodi
Spring Picture Day for the Jr./Sr. High School is Tuesday, February 11. Picture forms were passed out today. You can also order on using the picture ID: EVT2MSDDV
almost 5 years ago, St. Elmo Jr./Sr. High Principal
Congratulations to the SEB Junior High Cheerleaders on winning first place at the Vandalia 8th Grade Tournament! 📣🎀
almost 5 years ago, Vanessa Wright
Vandalia Tournament
The St. Elmo Education Foundation will be holding their annual soup supper on Friday, February 7th in the St. Elmo Jr/Sr High School Cafeteria from 5-7PM. ALL PROCEEDS ARE FOR SCHOLARSHIPS.
almost 5 years ago, Ashley Towler
A revised JH Boys Basketball NTC Tourney Schedule (hosted by St. Elmo) can be found in the Documents Section. Documents/For Parents and Community/Athletics/Tournament Schedules/JH Boys Basketball
about 5 years ago, St. Elmo Jr./Sr. High Principal
Due to anticipated weather, we are dismissing at 12:15 today. Reminder...there is no school on Monday, Jan.20, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
about 5 years ago, Julie Healy, Supt.
JH Boys Basketball NTC Tourney Schedule (hosted by St. Elmo) can be found in the Documents Section. Documents/For Parents and Community/Athletics/Tournament Schedules/JH Boys Basketball
about 5 years ago, St. Elmo Jr./Sr. High Principal
Clarification: For tomorrow’s Christmas Programs, those attending can enter through the front doors of the High School Gym. You can send your child to school in whatever you would like to, they do not need to be dressed up. They will not have a chance to change clothing, but they will not be going outside for recess tomorrow. The 3-6 program begins at 11am and the K-2 begins at 1:30pm
about 5 years ago, Erick Somodi
A revised Holiday Tournament Schedule has been added to the Documents Section. Go to Documents, For Parents & Community, Athletics, Tournament Schedules, HS Boys Basketball, Revised Holiday Tournament Schedule.
about 5 years ago, St. Elmo Jr./Sr. High Principal
Holiday Tournament basketball games scheduled for Tuesday, 12-17 have been cancelled. There will now be three games on Wednesday evening and Thursday evening.
about 5 years ago, St. Elmo Jr./Sr. High Principal
Due to the road conditions, there will be no school in the St. Elmo district tomorrow, Tuesday, Dec. 17th.
about 5 years ago, Julie Healy, Supt.