September 27, 2021
The BSE Junior High Girls Basketball teams competed in the Old Capitol Classic in Vandalia. The 7th grade team placed first, and the 8th grade team finished second. Congratulati...

September 8, 2021
Trooper Zerrusen visited first grade to explain his role as a community worker. Trooper Zerrusen spoke about his main duties as a police officer. He also talked about his uniform ...

August 27, 2021
Congratulations to the St. Elmo FFA Horse Judging CDE Team! The team competed at the Section 19 FFA Horse Judging CDE on Friday, August 27th at the King City Saddle Club. Wade ...
August 27, 2021
There are several factors to be considered by our Board of Education as they make decisions regarding our Tentative Back-to-School Plan. This is the information that we, as a sc...
August 26, 2021
As many of you are aware, our Board of Education recently approved our Tentative Back-to-School Plan. This plan included following CDC guidelines, with masks being strongly recom...

July 16, 2021
Dieterich Bank and Royal Neighbors of America are sponsoring a Back-to-School Night on Friday, Aug. 6th from 5 PM - 7 PM at St. Elmo Community Park.
July 1, 2021
Sarah Bush Lincoln Fayette County Hospital is offering school and sports physicals at a reduced price of $20.00. Payment is due at the time services are provided, and no insuranc...

May 27, 2021
Scarlett Duckwitz has taught 35 years at St. Elmo. She taught Jr. High Language Arts and PE for 2 years, sixth grade for 18 years, and has finished her teaching career in fourt...

May 25, 2021
Michell Schaal was the recipient of the May Teacher Spotlight gift basket provided by Jordan Mahon Country Financial. Mrs. Schaal is from Vandalia and started teaching in the St....

April 27, 2021
The April "Teacher Spotlight", sponsored by Country Financial, is Amanda Copeland. Ms. Copeland is from Centralia, IL. When she initially accepted the position at St. Elmo, she ...

March 25, 2021
Mrs. Scarlett Duckwitz was the recipient of the March Teacher Spotlight gift basket. Mrs. Duckwitz resides near Altamont with her husband, Ron. They have 4 grown children and 5 ...
March 23, 2021
On Saturday, May 1st, the St. Elmo Community Service Class will be holding a Road Rally and Drive-Thru Dinner to benefit the St. Elmo Food Pantry. Please see the attached flyers f...

February 23, 2021
Congratulations to Mr. Bo Melton! Bo was the winner of the February Teacher Spotlight Drawing, sponsored by Jordan Mahon, Country Financial.
Bo was born and raised in Greenvil...
February 17, 2021
The St. Elmo CUSD #202 is a member of the Midstate Special Education Cooperative. They offer a variety of resources, and their website can be accessed at the following link: htt...
February 4, 2021
As stated in our Back-to-School plan, it is our goal to provide the best education possible while, protecting the health and safety of our students and staff. In conjunction with...
February 4, 2021
Friday evening (2-5-21) represents the return of athletic contests to the St. Elmo Elementary 5th & 6th basketball home season. Per the Illinois Department of Public Health, we...
January 27, 2021
The evening of January 28, 2021 represents the return of athletic contests to the St. Elmo Jr./Sr. High School Gymnasium. Per the Illinois Department of Public Health, we are on...

January 19, 2021
JANUARY TEACHER SPOTLIGHT (sponsored by Jordan Mahon, Country Financial)
This month's featured teacher is Mrs. Michelle Miller.
Mrs. Miller has been teaching for 7 years an...

December 18, 2020
The Community Service Class presented a donation check to the Fayette County Cancer Fund today! The class was able to donate $3,000 to them. This money was raised through their cl...

November 9, 2020
Morgan Stremming was the winner of the Teacher Spotlight drawing, sponsored by Jordan Mahon, Country Financial. Morgan is the St. Elmo high school guidance counselor. A big tha...